
Headed North Episode 5 | Imperial Motion

Smiling seemed to be a common action on this journey. But waves are known to do that to you, and we had, had our share of them over the past week. Voyaging over the Washington border into the Evergreen State, felt something of an accomplishment. It had been 5 days on the road, 3 states traveled through and over 1,000 miles traveled. Our final stop on our journey delivered a wave rich coast and action behind a boat. Voiceover: Gregory David Sparks Music: Do You Want Love - Dave Depper Special Thanks to Wonderland Expeditions, Lib Tech, Aaron Witherell, Maxx Von Marbod. Gerrett Van Swearingen, The Cities of Seattle & Westport, & the State of Washington. Presented by Evo & Imperial Motion

Outside Television