
Tom Says Goodbye aka See You When I'm Looking At You!

It's sad to announce that we’re saying goodbye to Tom, he’s decided to fulfill his bohemian vagabonding dreams travelling through India and then doing some heinous bikepacking missions en route to Europe over the course of this year. We couldn’t let him just get away lightly, so here are some of our favourite moments including getting beaten by Christina in every single challenge, sleeping anywhere and everywhere, as well as eating western BC out of potatoes... "Thank you aka thaaaaaaaanks mates to all you watchers of the channel! It's been a dream sharing some right (and some wrong) kind of stupid missions with you! And huge love to everyone in the Pinkbike team too - especially the video team of Christina, Tom R, Max, Slicko and Satchel - you're all absolute beauties and our sport is so lucky to have a place like this, with outstanding people working hard to share their love of mountain biking! Now go get outside and ride your bike if you can, you’ll see me on here again before you know it!"

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