
We Heard You Need Gloves | Mad Trees

Occasionally while sitting on one of Mt. Baker's non-high speed fixed grip lifts, you will witness a rider send something or go fully underwater and emerge in a cloud of snow from a distance. Or maybe you are joining the backcountry donkey show on a high pressure aprés-storm mission and you see someone go for a huge backie off a cheese wedge step-down. Oooh that kid backslapped super hard but he rode it out, I'd count it. Then as you look a little closer, you see a purple jacket, maybe it's teal. You think to yourself, maybe it's just modern manhood, masculinity undone - is that...? I thought it was a dude. Mad Trees presents We Heard You Need Gloves, a story of female athletes pushing and supporting each other over the course of a 844" season.

Outside Television