Tommy Rivs | Outsiders of the Year 2021 | Trailer

Tommy Rivs | Outsiders of the Year 2021


This short film will center on the story of Tommy “Rivs” Puzey as told through the voice and recollections of his wife Steph Catudal. Tommy is a well established extreme runner, with a large following on social media, and a cancer recovery saga that has only turned up his voice. That amplifier was his wife, an equally passionate runner and storyteller who has been the chronicler of Tommy’s recovery. But his continuing journey back from the edge of the abyss, is only the most recent example of this couple’s unique give and take approach to their path through marriage, family and life. Few are more alone that the distance runner - for hours at a time, either training or competing. Mile after mile it is just the metronome of footfalls, and wandering thoughts that keep the pace with you. For two committed athletes like Tommy and Steph, life has been a balance of allowing each other to purse this solitary lifestyle, while remaining fiercely committed to their partnership. And while the latest leg of responsibility in this relay of life has fallen to Steph - it is in some ways, just anther day for the leaders of TEAMRIVS.
